Thursday, 2 September 2010

The Story of Mister Wolf

Once upon a time... not too long ago,
there lived a Gingerbread man with a buttery flow,
the chalk that he sold was super potent,
so the Pigs spent their days just trying to control him.
The Gingerbread man had a secret plan,
If you could find a Wolf then you'ld rule this land,
because the Wolf was the King pin,
he was linking Little Bo, at all of her peep shows.
Wolf always wore gold chains and rumour is he had a few Gruffalos trained...
...just then the Gingerbread man rushes in, begging the big bad Wolf to help him,
but the Wolf had a different agenda,
was no great pretenda to the fact that he hated those Piggies,
but first things first lets eat!
He opened up his teeth and swallowed up the Gingerbread man!
All that was left of his dream were crumbs,
Wolf, wiped his mouth and picked up his shotgun,
ran out to the streets and started acting crazy,
firing his rounds at any woman or baby.
The Pigs turned up in their car made of straw, fired one bullet and Wolf hit the floor

Mister Wolf by @jtreole

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